Saturday, March 8, 2014

an egg plant is where chickens work

This is easy and fantastic, and comes courtesy of the offspring.

You’ll need an eggplant, some hummus, a lemon, a red pepper and some goat cheese. I added bamboo smoked sesame seeds and Dukkah.

Slice your eggplant in half, then score the interior into cubes.

Salt it well and set it aside for awhile.

After 25 minutes or so you’ll see little water droplets beading. This is good. The salt is drawing bitterness out.

Wash it well, dry it off and here we go!

First, preheat your oven to 450F while you brush the face with good olive oil. We’re gonna roast it.

I sprinkled Dukkah as well as fresh ground pepper on mine. Dukkah is Trader Joe’s nut and spice blend, but feel free to improvise.

Now flip ‘em facedown and put them into the oven.

Let them roast about 50 minutes. 

In the meantime squeeze lemon into some hummus and whisk until it’s the consistency of a drizzle.

Chop the red pepper, mince some parsley, crumble your goat cheese and stand by.

Fresh from the oven they are steamy and silky inside, and crisp on the roasted face.


And that’s it, drizzle with the lemon hummus then sprinkle your raw ingredients on top and it’s ready to serve and eat. So easy!

The only mistake I made was not making two, one full eggplant for each.

We inhaled those few creamy spoonfuls in seconds.

Thanks Selina!

Friday, March 7, 2014

pitching a fit

It’s been just about a year since the Boy Scouts of America voted to include kids of every sexual orientation.

That measure was approved by 60% of the BSA’s National Council.

But the bitter debate required compromise, and the Disney organization is fed up.

Group showers have given way to a policy of hygiene only in private.

Sleeping arrangements are now determined after extensive question-and-answer sessions.

And scouts may participate in gay pride marches but not in official uniform.


The Boy Scouts still ban openly gay scout leaders. 

So Disney has had enough.

The Disney Corporation has announced it will stop funding Boy Scout troops, beginning in 2015. 


The battle for equal rights is getting in tents.

Have a great weekend!

now be sure and repost this on FB

Thursday, March 6, 2014

can’t go on, thinkin’ nothin’s wrong

The disparity between male and female rights in 
Saudi Arabia is jarring.

The basis of their culture is in strict Islamic law, and women are forbidden to travel or drive.

Not ever. Not anywhere. And not for any reason.

So that’s what they do, they drive anyway, 
to protest this ancient bullshit.

Three female rights activists presented a demand that women be given an equal right to drive back in October, but the 150-member male assembly tossed it out.

So the women went back to driving anyway.

International Woman’s Day is coming up March 8th.

So this Saturday don your habib, get behind the wheel and take your equal rights for a spin.


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

imagine if this were on the uws


They’ll never ride these bikes, they said. 
49th and Fifth Before:


No one will rent them when it’s cold, they said. 

49th and Fifth after:


They will rust in their docks all winter, they said. 

Bloomberg has no idea what he’s doing, they said. 
