Saturday, March 8, 2014

an egg plant is where chickens work

This is easy and fantastic, and comes courtesy of the offspring.

You’ll need an eggplant, some hummus, a lemon, a red pepper and some goat cheese. I added bamboo smoked sesame seeds and Dukkah.

Slice your eggplant in half, then score the interior into cubes.

Salt it well and set it aside for awhile.

After 25 minutes or so you’ll see little water droplets beading. This is good. The salt is drawing bitterness out.

Wash it well, dry it off and here we go!

First, preheat your oven to 450F while you brush the face with good olive oil. We’re gonna roast it.

I sprinkled Dukkah as well as fresh ground pepper on mine. Dukkah is Trader Joe’s nut and spice blend, but feel free to improvise.

Now flip ‘em facedown and put them into the oven.

Let them roast about 50 minutes. 

In the meantime squeeze lemon into some hummus and whisk until it’s the consistency of a drizzle.

Chop the red pepper, mince some parsley, crumble your goat cheese and stand by.

Fresh from the oven they are steamy and silky inside, and crisp on the roasted face.


And that’s it, drizzle with the lemon hummus then sprinkle your raw ingredients on top and it’s ready to serve and eat. So easy!

The only mistake I made was not making two, one full eggplant for each.

We inhaled those few creamy spoonfuls in seconds.

Thanks Selina!

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