Saturday, April 18, 2015

schmear campaign

Sun dried tomato and Basil asiago

Jalapeño cheddar


Friday, April 17, 2015

is that you Mom?

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

politically correct priority

Reserve Deputy Robert Bates of the Tulsa County Police Department is facing up to four years in jail for the accidental shooting of 44 year old suspect Eric Harris.


According to the police report Bates-- one of over 100 other Deputy’s-- was called last-minute to help run down and capture a dangerous man.

Eric Harris, the deceased, had just sold a 9 mm semi-automatic pistol and ammunition to an undercover sting operation. 

He had multiple prior convictions for assaulting police officers and he had six felony arrests, including robbery and stolen property charges.


MSNBC reported that Bates, the deputy, had been a Police Officer in the 1960’s with 400 hours of weapons training and had donated over 3000 hours in support of his community. 

The Taser and his service revolver are of similar shape, similar color and almost precisely the same size.


But he made a error in judgement, a serious one, in the heat of pursuit and a fist fight with a man thought by all to be armed and known to be dangerous, and Bates now faces serious punishment.

We require perfection under pressure from the men and women who protect us, and they are human, prone to error, just as Eric Harris was.

But the media discussion is in outrage of an accident instead of where it belongs: the outrage that Harris was a life-long criminal who beat up people and who traffic’d in illegal handguns.

When he realized his error, Deputy Robert Bates said 

I feel sorry, too, 
but for Bates and the Tulsa Police Department. 

I just don’t feel that much for Harris anymore. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

not that shocking

The brand new Fulton Center complex, gateway to Wall Street and the heart of our American economy, is part of a $1.4 billion expansion and renovation project. 

It was completed just last year.

138th And Third, gateway to the South Bronx, 
was opened in 1919, almost a century ago.

The Fulton Complex is a modern marvel of moving stairways, gleaming stainless steel and polished glass.


We have plastic temporary lighting on extension cords
 held in place by tie-wraps.

Rain water pouring into our station has rotted the florescent fixtures to near electrocution.

We pay the same fare.

Monday, April 13, 2015

ancient Rome, right?


The Marina district in San Francisco.

After the earthquake of 1906, 
the city wanted to demonstrate resilience.

The Panama Canal was getting ready to open and so they planned a huge “Panama Exposition” in celebration.

New York architect Bernard Maybeck had relocated to Berkeley in 1890, and he was retained to develop a grand pavilion that became known as the “Palace of Arts”.

Maybeck was inspired by 18th century Italian architect Giovanni Battista Piranesi, so he designed a $621,929 “ruin” that replicated Piranesi’s work.

His “Palace of Arts” was an instant hit but built only of wire, burlap and plaster. 

It was never intended to endure.

Exposed to wind and water, by the mid 1960‘s it had become a ruin of a ruin.

So a “Save the Palace” committee was formed and a private donor arranged to have the entire thing torn down.

It was rebuilt in concrete as a replica to the first.

The replacement Palace reopened in the late 1960’s.

Years later in LA, Disneyland built their own version in another homage... 

... becoming a replica of a replica, 

of a replica.