Saturday, November 3, 2012

3 out of 3 is a 10

Building contractors say “out of good, fast & cheap, pick two.”

It can be good and fast but it won’t be cheap.

It can be good and cheap but it won’t be fast.

Or, it can be fast and cheap, but it won’t be very good.

Somehow this recipe delivers three out of three.

Get these ready. 

Toss the vegetables in sizzling hot olive oil.

Finish with chili oil, black pepper and salty cheese.

So easy and healthy and good!

Unexpected company? Not a problem. Boil water.

Cook the pasta, drain, pull the vegetables up the side of the wok, add more oil, heat and toss the cooked pasta until it gets little crispy brown edges, then add black pepper and more cheese, fold the vegetables back in and serve hot, with good olives and toasted bread on the side.

Amaze your friends. Seriously.


  1. Wish that was on my stove.

  2. It's even better on the table. :-) With candles.
