Thursday, May 1, 2014

pennies from heaven

A 42 year old Canadian woman and Mother of three was speeding in her SUV at night in a rain storm outside of Toronto.

She injured two and struck and killed 17 year old bicyclist Brandon Majewski, one of three out riding that night to pick up dinner. 

Police confirmed she was over the limit in heavy rain
 on a narrow, two-lane, country road.

The impact broke her windshield, dented the bumper and shattered a headlight, also damaged the roof and a side mirror dangled from its wires.
She claims she never saw him.

Now here’s the catch: Her husband is a local cop and he was following her home that night.


And so the local police force investigated itself. 

And guess what? She sued the dead boy.

She sued his two injured friends, too.

She sued his devastated parents plus the jurisdiction outside of Toronto “for their failure to maintain the road.” 


She wants $1.2 million in damages for her psychological suffering and from her statement:

“Because her enjoyment of life has been irretrievably lessened.”


I don’t doubt that. 

Maybe not as much as Brandon’s, though.

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