Friday, September 7, 2012

it must be going around

More painted cops. What’s up with this?

The Cielo is a fancy 27 story condo at the corner of 83rd and York in Manhattan.

The developers wanted fine art to be the context of the homes here and so buyers were given free memberships to the Whitney Museum of American Art. 

Problem was, across the street was a tenement building covered in graffiti that diminished the tony environment.

So they commissioned muralist Richard Haas at an estimated cost of $200,000 to paint a 77foot wide trompe l'oeil mural, celebrating the Germanic history of the neighborhood.

Now painted mounted cops keep an eye on the place.

The Glockenspeil Mural, 2004-2005

Handsome, I guess, but about as effective as this guy:

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