Sunday, December 18, 2011

of and from


  1. I'm still waiting for scientists to explain how something came from nothing.

  2. Dear God,
    Your observation here reveals a two- dimensional limitation to your concept of “nothing.”
    In human three dimensions, even “nothing” is still something. Right?

    If the universe is infinite, for instance, science finds it problematic to conceive of this, relying on time as a fourth dimension to perhaps explain it while religion accepts it all on pure, blind faith. A two-dimensional creature living in religious faith on a two-dimensional line would find infinity when a three dimensional creature connects the ends of that line into a circle. Thus, the two dimensional creature finds a true “infinity that evidences their faith” while our three dimensionality observes the flawed perception of the two dimensional limitations. And so it goes.

    Give our best to your son on his birthday! :-)

  3. I see you've been reading Wikipedia.

    The assumption you make is that believing in God, or giving me credit where credit is due, is two-dimensional. Do you know of anything built in the natural realm, the most basic dimension, that does not require a creator, or an architect? There is a law of reason, in dimensions one through four. There is order among the disorder, and explanations in the seemingly unexplainable. The fourth dimension of time as you mention, may appear to you problematic to explain, but I can explain to you one day.

    But until then, when you, my three dimensional creature, "connect the ends of the line in a circle" regarding the origin of the Great Universe, you may have my job. :)

  4. None of this comes from Wikipedia but this particular post has provoked some entertaining email. One asked "Talking to God now are you? " lol

    Another said:
    "If someone wants to believe they have some secret friend in the sky and they are cool enough to at least keep it to themselves I'm fine with that, let them think whatever they want as long as they keep it away from me."


  5. Gregory...come believe in God.
