Sunday, July 10, 2011

Why was Jesus crucified?

It’s a long story. The short of it is he was arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to death by a judge named Pontius Pilate for conspiring against Rome. Jesus had the last laugh, though. Christians in Rome were finally given the legal right to worship as they pleased under the Edict of Milan, issued in A. D. 313 by Constantine the First.
But those 312 intervening years were tough on Christians. They eschewed the debauchery of the Roman baths and rejected warfare. The Romans loved the sexual innuendo of their baths and they defined themselves as soldiers. Can you say culture clash? Soooo…..for 300 years or so the Christians found themselves thrown to the lions for sport.
Of course, you might say we are more highly evolved today and that no one would actually pay to see that kind of spectacle.

Personally? I think the stadium would sell out in record time.

Go Christians. lol

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