Wow. Remember the Dominique Strauss-Kahn rape allegations and the affirmation of his detention posted here on CTT back on May 18th?
A lot has changed.
The New York Times reports that forensic tests have determined “unambiguous evidence of a sexual encounter” but almost everything else is turning our differently than prosecutors expected.
While Strauss-Kahn insisted the sex was consensual, she alleged forcible rape and the NYPD/NYC Court system threw him into Rikers. The French went crazy.
Now authorities are discovering this 32 year old woman from Guinea telephoned an incarcerated man she calls “her fiancé” the next day and discussed the benefits of a rape case against Strauss-Kahn. The entire conversation was recorded on the jailhouse system.
The man she was talking to was in the slammer for possessing 400 pounds of grass and it turns out that he’s deposited $100,000 to her bank account over the past two years.
Isn’t that special?
She also claims one cellphone but somehow she’s been paying hundreds of dollars every month to five different telephone companies. The cherry on the top is they found lies about a false rape accusation on her asylum papers used to gain access to America in the first place. Authorities are about to withdrawal charges against Strauss-Kahn, an enormous climb down for the proud NYPD.
I don’t think the official response was too heavy handed despite strenuous complaint from abroad. Too many times women have been exploited in western culture only to keep it to themselves because the perp is her employer or in a powerful position relative to her like, say, the head of the IMF. So I hope when the next round of lurid allegations come out against an entitled and powerful man they are pursued just as vigorously as these.
Then again, if it turns out this woman lied to get in then lied about the sex to extort him falsely at the expense of his global financial career, I’d hope we have the means to show her the door back to Guinea. We’ll see.
Evidence indicating involvement in drug trafficking is the least of the problems here.
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