Thursday, May 5, 2011

restraint and respect surrounding

The ends rarely justify the means in my book. I believe how something is achieved is as relevant and central to that success as the achievement itself. And frankly, I can be critical of our President from time to time. This morning is in favor.

With no “Mission Accomplished” swagger, Barack Obama this week demonstrated possession of a quiet, highly-evolved courage and a hard and focused intelligence. His attempt and success in a mission of such enormous risk and complexity is inspiring. I appreciate most the decision not to release the photographs in contrast to the common “head on a pike” mentality of war. 
President Obama’s restraint and respect surrounding this entire amazing week is an uncommon credit to the American intelligence community and to our brilliant Navy SEALS, to his able administration and to the increasingly evidenced character of the man we elected to hold this very difficult and demanding office.

And in fact, we did. 
Well done, Mr. President, and thank you.


  1. Loving your blog!!! Awesome job! ;D Greg's show is Saturday, May 7th at Arlene's Grocery: 95 Stanton Street, NY at 10PM SHARP!!!

    fan page: at

    See you there!!! ;D


  2. Thank you Jennifer! It’s nice to have the ClockTower’s favorite makeup artist say Hello! Make-up fans should go here and check it out:

    Me? I don't wear make-up (well maybe a bit of eyeliner and a little lip gloss on a Saturday night...) lol j/k, ......but I’ve always loved blue-eyed soul and the gsg is right up my alley. Those fans should go here and listen to “Give me a Reason.” GREAT cut, fantastic. See you Saturday night!

  3. Exactly my sentiments Gregory. Thank you for expressing them so well!

  4. I think it's very rare when mortals achieve so much in history with so few imperfections. This was a very public assassination, no question.

    But if it is ever possible to feel pride in country through savage and calculated brutality, this is probably that moment. Thanks for the kind words, JimSo.
