Thursday, April 14, 2011

worth the 60 seconds it takes

Harvard’s Berkman Internet Center has a way of making very complex issues so simple even I can understand them.

The 2011 Federal Budget is approximately $3.82 trillion but that’s too large for us to understand. So they divide everything by 100 million so the numbers make more sense.

Imagine “we have a family that is spending $38,200 per year. The family’s income is $21,700 per year. The family adds $16,500 in credit card debt every year in order to pay its bills. After a long and difficult debate among family members, keeping in mind that it was not going to be possible to borrow $16,500 every year forever, the parents and children agreed that a $380/year premium cable subscription could be terminated. So now the family will have to borrow only $16,120 per year.”

The state of our union in Washington.

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