Saturday, August 21, 2010

Many hands make light work

The groundlevel space within our very own ClockTower took a giant step forward this past week with the acquisition of the raw materials needed for an overhead pipe grid. 

Thanks to Juan we now have a dozen ten foot pipes in the space and thanks to an endowment via Charles from the building owner we also have the hardware needed to hang them. 

If all goes well in the days ahead we’ll have a usable overhead pipe grid in the gallery in time for Diana Rivera’s show, opening on September 3rd.

And speaking of the gallery, the original “ClockTower Gallery” is at 108 Leonard in TriBeCa, a famous space pioneered decades ago by the Institute for Contemporary Art.
Accordingly, we may need a different name. ClockTowerSalon might work:

1. A large room, such as a drawing room,used for receiving and entertaining guests.
2. A periodic gathering of people of social or intellectual distinction.
3. A hall or gallery for the exhibition of works of art or performance. 

Our art space will be all of these things but we’re open to suggestion and I hope you’ll offer one or two in the comments. Stay tuned for an announcement how you can help with the installation of the rig. There will be lots of non-construction things to do. 

As the Chinese famously say, “Many hands make light work.” Please get in touch and help us make our lights work in time for the 3rd. Thanks.

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